How To Add Clients To The System?

This article will walk you through adding clients to the system.
Written by Buildern Support
Updated 1 year ago

In Buildern, you can add clients, send them proposals, and track all these activities. 

  1. You can access this by clicking "Sales" at the top of the website and selecting "Clients".

2. Next, click “Add Client”.

3. Add the client data:

  • Enter client name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Mobile Number
  • Set assignee (this is the manager who will be responsible for handling all the interactions with the client)
  • Add address
  • Source (how did the client hear about you?)

  • Set status

4. Once everything is ready, click “Save”

You can edit, or remove clients from the dashboard at any time. Click the three dots to choose the desired action for the selected client. In addition to editing/removing clients, you can also add opportunities, view their logs, and schedule activities for those clients.

If you still have any questions or require additional support, feel free to contact us: Send an email: [email protected], or give us a call at +1 (650) 334-0378. We’re always happy to help you.

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