How to Configure Project Types?

Let's learn how to customize the pre-added project types in your Buildern dashboard.
Written by Buildern Support
Updated 1 year ago

Configuring pre-added project types in Buildern will ensure you have a consistent approach to project planning and execution.  

We will add a few commonly used project types to help you get started. The list includes:

  • New home
  • Minor renovation
  • Major renovation
  • Refurb
  • Remodeling
  • Commercial
  • Maintenance
However, you are welcome to go through the settings to customize the system and have it reflect your unique corporate needs and expectations.

Head to Fields Settings to get started.

Customize project types buildern settings

Click on the "Add new option" button to open a new window and add preferred project types.

Once you are done, click on the "Save" button to keep the updates.

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