How to Add Leads and Opportunities to Buildern

This article will help you understand how to create and manage your potential leads through Buildern's construction CRM.
Written by Buildern Support
Updated 2 weeks ago

Managing leads and opportunities is a critical part of any construction business, and Buildern’s construction CRM makes it simple and efficient. Unlike other construction software, where leads and opportunities are treated as separate sections, Buildern integrates them directly into your project management workflow for seamless tracking and progressions.

What Are Leads and Opportunities in Buildern?

Leads and opportunities are treated as projects in Buildern. This approach ensures that you can:

  • Add client details in the Clients section.

  • Create a project and set its status to "Lead" or any custom status you prefer.

  • Build estimates, attach files, send bid requests, and even proposals all in one place.

  • Update the project status to "In progress" or "Won" when the lead becomes a full-fledged project.

This integrated workflow eliminates the need to convert leads or opportunities into projects later, saving time and reducing complexity.

Steps to Start Adding Leads and Opportunities

💡Recommended Reading: How to Add Clients to Buildern?

Here are the key steps to follow:

#1 Go to Contacts > Clients to add new clients or import an existing list 

Buildern allows you to import client lists from third-party software and even provides an Excel file template to ensure the import goes smoothly.

#2 Create a new project

Click Create Project in the Projects section.

Enter the project name, client details, and other relevant information. 

Set the status to "Lead" for easier tracking. You can also customize the status options to fit your business needs.

Once the project is ready, you can proceed with estimating, bidding, and preparing the proposal for a potential client. Buildern automates the process by transforming the estimate into read-to-send proposals.

Here’s an example of a proposal estimated and sent to the lead via Buildern. 

#3 Change the project’s status once your proposal gets approved

Update the status from "Lead" to "In progress", "Won", or "Lost" once your proposal gets approved or rejected. This will help you keep track of the status of all your prospects and make it easier to prioritize tasks.

💡Recommended Reading: How to Add New Project Statuses?

#4 Create separate project views for the current projects and potential leads

Project views in Buildern allow you to efficiently manage and organize your construction projects by tailoring how information is displayed. You can easily filter, sort, and adjust columns to focus on the details most relevant to your needs. Whether you want to keep track of ongoing projects, prioritize marketing leads, or organize other specific cases, you can create and save different views.

This flexibility ensures you can customize your workspace to enhance organization and streamline project management.

💡Recommended Reading: How to Work with Project Views in Buildern?

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